
Sky High Takes Dodgeball To A Whole New Level!

Sky High Sports trampoline dodgeball courts redefine the school yard game you remember. Join a pick-up game in progress or bring a team for high-flying, adrenaline packed action. Our dodgeball courts are always open for play.

View the clip from ESPN: 

Sky High Sports also hosts organized dodgeball tournaments! Teams are composed of 6 members and each team costs $60 to sign up. Check-in starts at 5pm and the games usually run from 6pm until 8pm. We also require at least four teams for the tournament to take place.

Think your team of six has what it takes to earn Dodgeball Champion bragging rights? Then check our events calendar or call us for the date of our next tourney.


You don’t have to jump through hoops to stay in the loop!

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