Safety Overview

Learn the rules. Jump by the rules. Get great air!

Sky High Sports has two main goals: to provide top-notch, active fun for families and people of all ages and fitness levels and to ensure the safest possible experience for our patrons.

To make sure every guest has fun in the safest possible manner, Sky High Sports presents rules through video and signage posted throughout every facility.

There is an inherent risk involved when participating in any sporting activity. Whether it’s football, snowboarding, skateboarding, soccer or trampolining, reducing the risk of injury in sport to zero percent is simply not a possibility.

Having said that, Sky High Sports maintains the safest possible environment and exceeds industry standards. Through daily and weekly inspections, maintenance of equipment, patron education and by monitoring the activity of patrons jumping on our trampoline courts, Sky High makes your safety our top priority.

Court monitors are trained for pro-active and re-active rules enforcement for the safety of you, the jumper, as well as jumpers near you. When possible, our court monitors anticipate safety infractions, allowing for early intervention, to prevent possible injury. It’s a best practice. Better safe than sorry!

Even with jump rules in place, the highest standards in equipment and close monitoring by our staff, the best way to prevent injury is to be a smart jumper. Do not perform tricks that are beyond your skill level, be aware of your surroundings, learn the rules and follow them. 

Sky High Sports injury rate is .036% which equals 3.6 incidents per 10,000. This percentage includes every injury recorded during the year from a stubbed toe, to a twisted ankle to a broken leg.

Every Sky High Sports location has a manager on site who is trained in CPR. First aid kits are located throughout the sites. 911, as well as local dispatch numbers, are on speed dial.

Patrons are required to view our rules and safety video before jumping at Sky High Sports.


In 2012, Sky High Sports injury rate was .001 (or 1 per one thousand). That percentage includes every injury recorded during the year from a
Sports Injuries in the US, 2013 National Safety Council:

Percent of injuries by age
Sport or activity Injuries (1) 0-4 5-14 15-24 25-64 65 and over
Basketball 533,509 0.4% 32.8% 47.8% 18.8% 0.2%
Bicycle riding (2) 521,578 4.6 33.4 18.3 39.0 4.7
Football 420,581 0.3 51.2 39.5 8.9 0.1
Exercise (3) 365,797 1.5 10.6 20.6 56.0 11.3
Soccer 229,088 0.8 44.6 37.8 16.4 0.3
Swimming (4) 184,190 9.2 41.7 17.0 27.8 4.4
Baseball 143,784 2.2 50.2 26.8 19.8 0.9
Skateboarding 120,424 1.0 35.1 51.3 12.4 0.2
Weight lifting 110,188 2.8 8.6 35.8 49.3 3.6
Softball 100,010 0.3 30.5 30.9 37.1 1.2
Fishing 70,541 3.3 16.7 16.6 50.3 13.1
Roller skating (5) 57,743 0.8 53.5 12.3 32.9 0.4
Horseback riding 54,609 1.2 16.9 23.1 53.1 5.6
Volleyball 50,845 (6) 31.9 44.0 23.1 0.9
Wrestling 42,633 (6) 42.2 53.4 4.4 (6)
Snowboarding 38,630 0.4 23.8 51.4 24.1 0.3
Cheerleading 36,311 0.1 52.4 47.0 0.5 (6)
Gymnastics (7) 36,001 3.0 74.0 17.6 4.6 0.7
Martial arts 34,395 0.5 29.0 27.8 42.4 0.3
Golf (8) 33,101 1.7 13.7 7.6 39.2 37.8
Track and field 29,296 (6) 41.3 43.3 13.8 1.7
Ice skating (9) 20,443 0.6 47.0 21.7 28.3 2.4
Boxing 19,675 0.1 6.3 46.6 46.1 0.9
Tennis 19,292 0.5 16.2 16.3 41.3 25.7
Bowling 16,982 11.9 15.1 11.3 50.6 11.1
Ice hockey 16,871 (6) 37.3 40.4 21.2 1.0
Rugby 13,567 (6) 7.3 76.8 15.9 (6)
Mountain biking 9,763 0.8 6.5 19.7 70.9 2.1
Snowmobiling 9,270 (6) 7.2 23.3 69.1 0.4
Archery 5,153 1.6 15.7 23.4 49.8 9.4
Waterskiing 5,114 (6) 8.4 43.1 47.6 0.9
Racquetball, squash and paddleball 4,411 1.9 11.2 32.7 46.4 7.9
Mountain climbing 4,307 (6) 17.3 36.2 43.8 2.7
Hockey, field 4,241 (6) 25.3 61.6 13.1 (6)
Billiards, pool 3,698 9.4 25.2 10.8 49.5 5.1
Horseshoe pitching 1,449 5.4 6.9 12.4 64.7 10.6
Scuba diving (10) 1,437 5.0 10.3 22.6 55.2 6.9

(1) Treated in hospital emergency departments.
(2) Excludes mountain biking.
(3) Includes exercise equipment (60,546 injuries) and exercise activity (305,251 injuries).
(4) Includes injuries associated with swimming, swimming pools, pool slides, diving or diving boards and swimming pool equipment.
(5) Includes roller skating (46,023 injuries) and in-line skating (11,720 injuries).
(6) Less than 0.1 percent.
(7) Excludes trampolines (83,665 injuries).
(8) Excludes golf carts (15,193 injuries).
(9) Excludes 7,491 injuries in skating, unspecified.
(10) Data for 2012.
